Music Educator, Lecturer, Music Advisor & Pianist

Graduated as Master of Music Education (Dipl. Mus. Pedägogin) in 2005 from FH. Osnabrück Konservatorium, Germany; majoring in classical piano.
Active as a music educator and academic advisor/consultant in various music schools - for updating & upgrading music school curriculum standard, conducting workshops to build & develop music teacher’s competencies, and conduct teacher’s concert (chamber music and piano ensembles).
Also active as seminator in various cities in Indonesia, performer in collaboration for music education’s sake, director of piano ensembles projects „Golden Fingers“, music education writer for STACCATO - the first classical music magazine in Indonesia, and her blogs (www.jeliaedu.blogspot.com & www.piano-ensembles.blogspot.com ) – to shares thoughts and point of view about actualization & the importance of music education to teachers, practitioners, musicians, music lovers, students, and parents; so people could appreciate music more, feel the enjoyment of music, and get inspired by the power of music… “Music from Passion & Music for Life”
Musically yours,
Jelia Megawati Heru